
Name Numerology

The numbers derived from a person’s name and date of birth may be used to calculate a numerology chart about personality, relationships, and even the future. There is no scientific proof that any of the claims made by numerologists are true, but this does not stop people from believing or being interested in the insights that numerology can give them.

Numerology derives occult and esoteric relationships between numbers and physical objects or living things. People who believe in numerology claim that numbers govern much of what happens in relationships, health, finances, and life in general.

To encode a message using pseudorandom numbers we assign each letter of the alphabet a value from 1 to 26, so that a=1, b=2, etc. Now, consider a pseudorandom number generator that produces: 1, 19, 12, 5, 24, 17, etc. The letters of the original message are encoded by adding the value of each letter to its corresponding pseudorandom number in the sequence, and then applying a modulus operation to map the resulting sum back to a letter.

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